Who doesn’t want to look good? We all want to be the best version of ourselves, to look like super heroes and stars, be it Superman, Captain America, or Daniel Craig. And like Homer Simpson, we want it the soonest possible time. Fortunately for us, there is no shortage of magazines, products, and supplements promising us those results in just…
Author: admin
How to Gain a Pound Every Week
Maybe you’ve had sand kicked in your face. Maybe you’ve lost one too many attainable women to beefier guys. Or maybe you’ve read so much about weight loss that actually admitting you want to gain weight is a societal taboo. Whatever the reason, you want to bulk up. Now. But forget about your alleged high-revving metabolism, says Doug Kalman, R.D.,…
Noob Muscle Gain
Duis iaculis libero a libero aliquam interdum. Nullam rhoncus id purus in volutpat. Duis nec molestie metus, a laoreet sapien. Morbi scelerisque et tellus eget volutpat. Nulla pulvinar diam dictum tellus malesuada convallis. Cras iaculis rutrum lorem. Curabitur id tempor libero, sed dapibus dui. Mauris posuere urna ut ipsum consequat lobortis. Mauris interdum quam at arcu condimentum interdum. Vestibulum eu…
eginner’s Guide: How Do You Build Muscle?
Lift heavy things, progressively lifting heavier things. Specifically include squats and deadlifts and compound movements – they target the muscle building triggers in your entire body. Sleep as much as you can. Eat more calories, especially on training days (with plenty of protein and carbs, and vegetables). Repeat month after month after month. When in doubt, eat more than you…
Boosting Testosterone with Exercise
Testosterone is a steroid hormone that helps you increase lean muscle mass and bone density – and beyond simply helping you have a nice body, it’s also crucial for good health! Low levels of testosterone, in both men and women, can lead to a number of serious health conditions, including increased risk of depression, low sex drive, obesity, and osteoporosis.…